The aftermarketing is related to customer retention strategies, as the act of sale does not end when the consumer purchases the product.
While we spend considerable time in getting a consumer makes a purchase, how much dedication invested in building a relationship that leads to more transactions?
While we spend considerable time in getting a consumer makes a purchase, how much dedication invested in building a relationship that leads to more transactions?
This is accomplished by the aftermarketing, it also must be sold after the sale. The aftermarketing is related to customer retention strategies, as the act of sale does not end when the consumer purchases the product and pay.
Companies should investigate whether the need for motivating the purchase has been completed and if the customer feels satisfied. This marketing strategy aims to build a lasting relationship with each client.
The key to success in this strategy is to demonstrate to consumers attention for its purchases, products or services, and a desire for future transactions based on their needs.
If you apply these strategies can well expect to get your customers to marketing your business; adore both your service and company they will feel obliged to promote your business with everyone you know.
To achieve adequate aftermarketing strategy is a series of steps that need to follow:
1. Developing a good business model.
2. Provide customers an incentive for truly interested in returning. A gift, a discount or special funding are good choices.
3. Think of customers as a community and your company as the common connection they share.
4. Customers know they can count on the company when needed.
5. Support the actions of corporate social responsibility.
6. Show appreciation to your clients. Work, call or visit the client within the stipulated period after the sale, to thank your purchase and ask about their satisfaction with the service.
7. Meet profitable customers and treat them better than anyone. Provide value added services.
8. Make it easier shopping at your business with competitors.
9. Reaching out to your customer. Remind you to help.
10. Ascertain their needs and provide them. Actively listen to customers and respond. In this regard it is important to probe the client to assess their degree of satisfaction.
11. Respond to complaints and compliments from customers. Communications not leave unanswered. Abandoning the pursuit of a customer complaint is leaving.
12. Become a leader in customer service putting customers first. Retrieved
Strategy & Business
Strategy & Business
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