As every year, unions commemorate April 28 to remember the people who have lost their lives and health at work and to highlight the work-related injury are preventable, and that employers and government have important responsibilities in prevention.
Image CCOO campaign.
This year, characterized by the harsh effects of the crisis we have been suffering economically since late 2007, has claimed major daily numbers of job losses and cuts have fed on the rights of workers and the precariousness of labor relations. The reforms introduced by the Government of Spain put workers in a more precarious situation, to the enhanced power that gives employers.
The need to create jobs encourages other obligations or duties to workers yield in importance. The stimulus to job creation and wealth contributes in some way, that the authorities are more lax in requiring the payment of penalties for infringements or controls less demanding.
legal reforms and promotion of preventive measures since the entry into force of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks, and national or regional programs for the study and control the damage of work, have led to the continuing decline of accident rates.
But keep in mind that during the past two years, with the crisis, have reduced labor intensity in areas of greatest risk and accidents, while the market has been driven to temporary workers or reinforced the demands in times of increased work intensity. All this contributes to the decline in numbers of damage, but we can take guard down, the circumstances of a time of low productivity can make us not confuse the prospect and the idea that we have won the battle against accidents. Still occur and unacceptable high levels of occupational accidents and diseases.
In Spain 2 workers die each day due to his work, 13 have a serious accident during the day and 1,503 a minor accident. Also, each day 46 people are victims of occupational disease in Spain. All this combined with an increasing underreporting of disease and injury hiding. Therefore, without a well-established prevention, with the involvement of all holders will not obtain results where the absence of damage is the goal of excellence.
is inconceivable that the declaration of occupational diseases has fallen down in parallel with the fall of accidents, as in the case of diseases from exposure to the effects, there is a latency period of years, so you can not show so clear a result of decrease in such a short space of time after exposure. The more you consider that occupational diseases without leave, that is free of charge, have increased enormously.
Nor is unacceptable that the epidemic of asbestos-drowned out the grief of families who lose its members without any compensation, recognition, collective action and a serious and in depth to curb this public health problem and properly treat the victims, whose only "crime" was to live with some materials and substances were undermining their physical integrity. As with the sick by asbestos cancer case with employment, raising awareness of exposure to chemicals ... Although Health recognizes more than 12,000 deaths per year from occupational cancers, the lack of record and thorough understanding of its causes makes prevention and reduction of this type of disease very difficult. New
occupational hazard areas with
Poor working conditions are being deprived of quality of life for those exposed, which not only adhere to the work known as the mining sectors, but more cases have surfaced in other areas, such as construction, industrial manufacturing and others. The public hearing impairment, musculoskeletal problems, physical ailments are inexorably punishing workers, and should be given priority by the government. Today
is no awareness of other damage, but call-ups, have always accompanied human beings in their productive activity the so-called psychosocial risks: shift work, work rhythms of demand, competition, payment by objectives, job insecurity and high turnover in jobs, lack of security in jobs, unemployment ... All models of employment and work organization that encourage businesses to be a breeding ground for "pathogens" that cause diseases such as stress, chronic fatigue, premature aging, burnout or violence at work.
The objective of creating employment to work as many active people who have no gainful occupation, can not lead us to lower our guard. Although this objective is urgent, so is the guarantee that those who go to work again on the same physical and psychological conditions in which it was, indeed, the work must serve to satisfy those needs in a dignified and reasonable. To this end, working conditions have to allow the continued involvement and permanent manifestation of the areas for improvement by the person who made the productive activity in order to increase security.
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