Although senior budget has been reduced by one million euros compared to 2010, spending on cabinet members remained virtually unchanged
The Canary Islands government will spend this year 3.2 million euros to pay the payroll of 95 advisors, a figure that emerges from the analysis of Budgets of the Autonomous Community for this year. Although the share allocated to the 187 senior executives (which also includes directors, deputy directors and general) has declined slightly over one million euros, spending on consultants has remained virtually the same figures for 2010.
The decrease in revenue as a result of the crisis has made this year have less money to spend on the islands. If last year was over 8,100 million, this year the figure has dropped to 6,600. But while key areas such as Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Public Works and Transportation, suffering a cut above 20%, spending on consultants just experiencing variation, from 3.4 to 3.2 million.
is true that the president Paulino Rivero has decided to reduce his salary, and this year will charge 69,300 euros, 12,200 less than last year. But continues with 43 advisers presidency, which this year takes on the powers of Tourism. The remaining 52 advisers are divided over the eight councils as follows when: Presidency, Justice and Security (9), Economics and Finance (2), Public Works and Transport (7), Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Environment (11), Health (5), Employment, Industry and Trade (5), University Education, Culture and Sports (7) and Social Welfare, Youth and Housing (6).
salaries of these 95 members of staff ranging from 21,231 euros is charged in relations with Africa and the Security and Emergency, to 46,093 euros from the Directorate General for Relations with Europe. The cabinet is bulkier President Paulino Rivero, with 22 people, followed by Director Agriculture, with 11, and Vice President, with 7 members.
In total there are 187 senior officials, comprises a president, (he charges 69,329 euros), a vice president (66 136), eight directors (63,946 each), 18 deputy (57,898 st u ), 64 general managers and similar (57,121 c / u ) and those 95 members of staff.
Less budget, these advisers
Although lately the Canary Islands Government has placed great emphasis on the need belt-tightening and the image of austerity for this year and next, the current budget shows that the number of members in the cabinets of the ministries is maintained, and charge about the same as last year . Those which have suffered cuts are the other positions of trust: directors, deputy directors-general and, with an average 14% drop in their earnings.
coincide the launch of the Budget, last February announced that the Service Employment Canario had spent 505,000 euros between 2008 and 2010 hire external consultants four , after which the Vice President and Minister for Employment, María del Mar Julius, had to go to step ensuring that "are not plugged into a finger" .
precisely to try to reinforce the image of austerity, the government announced on Thursday March 24 closing three foundations and two public companies , and has given an ultimatum five other companies to establish a recovery plan within a month. A decision has already been described as cosmetics by the opposition, including former Minister of Economy and Finance, José Manuel Soria , who still "very large "The public sector in the Canaries.
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