Para CCOO la participación de los trabajadores en la mejora de sus condiciones de trabajo constituye un importante determinante de los efectos del trabajo en la salud. La normativa española otorga a los trabajadores la posibilidad de estar implicados en la gestión de la prevención de riesgos laborales, to promote the implementation of preventive measures and ultimately to control and influence their working conditions. Since the entry into force of the LPRL, unions have promoted a process of appointment of safety representatives, are currently 187,000 delegates, a number much lower than would be expected theoretically from the number of companies in Spain and unevenly implemented in the companies. Thus, in more than 50 workers their implementation over 80% of companies. CCOO For the number of consultants and advisors that make up each advisory service union organizations varies in a range that goes from 1 to 30. This variation can be explained by the size of the territory, but is also related to the resources made in negotiating regional institutions.
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