companies are forced to care for their reputation on the web, turned into a great book claims - Justice rules in favor of the pages of complaints - A law allowing electronic processing of consumer complaints.
Fame is fleeting but what hangs on the Internet last forever. Companies do not want hundreds of protests about its services roam the cyberspace, and online reputation is a reflection of the prestige of a brand. To this end, the consumer provides content in an easy and economical, the company can not always control because it is distributed in bulk and even media coverage can be achieved. A dissatisfied customer can have great economic and damage to the company.
Some companies have fought in court against forums that collect complaints, but the
Supreme ruled in favor of the webs. Other companies have learned lessons in this way and tried to approach the phenomenon, encouraging, for example, communication between users through their own channels. A new media technology, joins a social factor: the English are losing the shame to denounce the abuses of business and government.
Internet is becoming a huge sheet of claims. It's quick, inexpensive and requires no travel. The complaint sites are proliferating at the civic welcome. Is it the end of corporate abuse that swindled small quantities to consumers because most will not pays to engage in strife?
"I'm no lawyer, I am an angry consumer," says Santiago Alvarez-Baron, founder of miqueja.es. "We have to start from the English we complain much verbally but very little writing," he adds. However, there are many portals, forums and blogs that host consumer protests. Telecommunications companies top the rankings, followed by financial institutions, supermarkets, utilities and government.
Uriol Esther, Department of Communication at the English Court, says they have a system of tracking and monitoring blogs, forums and portals complaints. "We do not look any particular and look at all. Our fundamental objective is to satisfy our customers."
Some companies have brought these sites to the courts, because they caused harm or messages containing offensive, but the Supreme Court overturned a conviction a few months ago against quejasonline.com forum, which had been sued by a lawyer of the Mutua Madrilena Driver for alleged attacks on their honor. In 2004, the lawyer of Valencia saw the forum published a note was used in a false name. He said: "I Mutua Madrilena lawyer and I'm tired of fooling people, it makes me slow Mutual files to no pay."
The lawyer told the forum, which withdrew the memo, but declined to provide the name of the author, provided protection standard data. The attorney filed a complaint and was ordered to pay compensation quejasonline.com 6,000 euros for "moral and economic damage." However, the Supreme Court, invoking a European directive, exonerated the owners of the forum, because they are not responsible for the opinions of its users.
Jorge Mira, reclamacionesconsumidor.com creator, describes on his website why he decided to venture on the Internet: "I had a very bad experience with Blinko, the company that sells ringtones, songs and various benefits for mobile . I ripped through misleading advertising. The joke cost me about 30 euros. (...) lodge a lawsuit or to consumer agencies took me a while since I had. Therefore, report the scam through something that cost me less and also my passion: the Internet. I discovered I was not alone. "
One of the problems facing consumers is that their complaints are lost along the way." The claims are sent to the agency responsible consumption communities. Next, an arbitration award pronounce that must be accepted by both parties, but in many cases, companies do not abide by the findings, which the user is forced to resort to civil proceedings, miqueja.es founder says. At that time, most desist: "Why me 50 euros going to get into this mess?". The consumer, on many occasions, he feels vulnerable because it ignores their rights. "The consumer only serve its members," says Juan del Real, an economist with extensive experience in consumer associations. Founded with several partners consumoteca.es portal, a project of practical information for consumers.
Ruben Sanchez, spokesman for the Facua-Consumers in Action, he answers: "We are on the web, so everyone has access." But he adds: "No We are a business, our job is to protect consumers, although certain types of services such as legal, we can only offer them to partners because they cost money. "
Carlos García Cabañas decided to send their complaint to one of these sites after Iberia claim for lost luggage. "Since it's been more than 40 days since the disappearance of my luggage and also more than 20 days ago I sent by certified mail all documents I asked, and have not received any notification, I turn again to you to resolve this issue. It is clear that you are not solving nothing or at least not give me any solution after so long, so I feel obliged to hang this complaint miqueja.es.
These small enterprises consisting collaborators work for free or contribute money, have a vocation of citizen service. Del Real U.S. provides an interesting blog which shows new ways of drinking (responsibly), fearlessrevolution.com, Alex Bugosky, publicist repented and put a consumer advocate, who advocates a "new consumer law" like the Kennedy adopted in 1962.
is processed in Spain, from February 2010, the draft Law on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, which aims, among other things, reduce the number of cases that reach courts and citizens do not always have to go through the courts. This law strengthens the balance via electronic means and provides that for claims of less than 300 euros the mediation process may be conducted online. Although the Consumer Mediation is excluded from the scope of this draft as it is regulated by other laws, miqueja.es like to take this gap and act as "mediator." To It uses the action of "congratulations." When a conflict is resolved, the user can show the same page that made the claim. "Orange, for example, registered the highest number of complaints, but also congratulations," says its founder. The complaint against Iberia Carlos García Cabañas became a greeting: "Thank you to publish this complaint Iberia paid me over $ 1,000. It's a shame we have to publish on the Internet our complaints to heed us."
The list of issues that plague consumers is endless. "Companies have a problem: consumers do not care because they want to spend a penny in customer service. There is an enormous lack of commitment, "said Del Real. But new trends in the field of marketing are being nourished by this popular appeal. It picks up the book The World Groundswell: how to make spontaneous social movements in the network, Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. "The groundswell is that people use technologies to get what you need, but not the companies but of other people," the authors described in the introduction to his work.
Internet has enabled social democratization and Web 2.0 has provided the necessary tools to help consumers. Some companies have realized the advantage of making it and are transforming their customer service. The book mentioned includes the case of Dell, which changed its strategy when it found that its users through the web, it solved the problems between them.
There is also an important issue: the companies do not want to see hundreds of protests about its services swarming cyberspace. Many problems are not companies like this, but the human factor involved in the communication between the firm and the client. The U.S. portal getsatisfaction.com provides tools for sharing between companies and customers. Invites, in a simple way to build an online community that allows productive dialogue between them. Over 40,000 companies use as the page itself.
In a more modest NubePrint English company dedicated to developing and marketing software, decided to use one of these portals and client service. According to Antonio Sanchez Navarro, head of the company, the fact that the management infrastructure of the portal as the place is a great savings. "If we to replicate these resources at our house the incident management costs would be multiplied by 15. Having this website allows us to provide outstanding services with the confidence that any deviation is correctly captured and sent to our company. "
On the future of these initiatives to pronounce Juan del Real "So far, ours are isolated experiences. If one day our forces meet on the Internet, would be much more powerful. "
The list of ciberreclamaciones
1. Webs of complaints: - www.quejasonline.com - www.quejasydenuncias.com - www.miqueja.es
2. SMS and similar sites: - www.tencuidado.es - www.reclamacionesconsumidor.com
3. Expert Websites (general): - www.todoexpertos.com
4. American Blogs on new forms of consumption (in a responsible manner): - fearlessrevolution.com - www.goodguide.com
5. Sharing tools for companies and their customers: - http://getsatisfaction.com
Extracted from El País (Ana Lorite)
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