De Emilio Botin knew their skills to achieve great material wealth. Bank has made a small town named English circuit at full speed circuits around the world or hang a flag on some of the most isolated places on the planet.
Now, if mapped images Moncloa meeting between Zapatero and the G-45, we see how one man is capable of grabbing covers in a meeting of leading businessmen in the country with the Prime Minister.
Consider, then, your visual communication skills. One area in which we must recognize its merits, or your team, get a prominent position it in the most diverse.
His figure does not highlight in an ordinary case. Booty But that's not a problem: can be placed in front of the camera who's boss by showing that he is.
Consider some of the pictures that show who is this man in the picture and why not reached the status of a chance.
out how to monopolize the graphic information of a meeting of nearly fifty businessmen and bankers with the highest offices of government?

Photo: Alberto Di Lolli
Emilio Botin out of the car in a photograph with several messages: straps and tie with corparativo color, dynamic walking with safe passage and put on American and who leaves home to go to the office.
Aunque a la reunión acudían otras figuras con un poder similar, ninguno de ellos ha logrado acaparar tanto espacio gráfico en las páginas de los medios, gracias a esta fotografía.
El banquero ya demostró su destreza ante las cámaras cuando acudió a declarar a la Audiencia Nacional en 2007, por el Caso de las cesiones de crédito.

Foto: Diego Sinova
La mayor parte de quienes llegan a los tribunales park their car and driver at the door, show the tension in his face and surrounded by bodyguards who make big fuss. Instead, Booty gets walked, alone and smiling. Presumably the security that surrounds him, but not seen.
The image conveys the serenity of someone who is saying I have nothing to fear and nothing to hide. Image battle won.
Here's another episode. As shown in a photo who rules the country. Does the Prime Minister? This picture is not.

Photo: Bernardo Rodríguez / Pool / Efe
Botin, sitting in front of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero during his visit to the Ciudad Financiera Santander in Boadilla del Monte ( Madrid).
Faced with a president bent over, like getting a lesson, his body tensed, smiling artificially Booty appears relaxed, legs crossed and gesturing.
The banker has put his jacket in another chair, while Leon has left on his own as if in a wedding dessert the second division.
Both appear as a teacher giving a lesson to a boy arrived from the provinces. In view of the image, it is clear which one has more power, at least in terms of image.
Excerpted from The World (The Blog of Angel Casaña)
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