Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby Footprints Tattoos Images

SCE Performance Assessment.

The executive raises even reduce the wages of workers who do not hold enough. But the concern of officials is what criteria will be used and especially if he is going to evaluate their work will be someone impartial.

First was the reduction of his salary by 5%. Now the government wants to ensure that their canary public employees, a hundred thousand, to fulfill efficiently its functions and hours of working time. Government and unions have been granted and to negotiate. The sign system will be equal to the entire public service and make assessments of officials. The question is cómo.Eso is precisely what worries workers: to be someone impartial who evaluate their performance. Another issue is the criteria to be used. The government states that do not comply could see their salaries reduced. Most officials have quietly working his conscience, but they feel watched.

news link #

Noria Cornish Facebook


This initiative CCOO and UGT want to give a new opportunity for political parties to correct the imposed course of reform and failed, which has only served to cut the pay and create more unemployment and temporality. From now opens a period of nine months to collect the 500,000 signatures needed to make the text of the ILP, promoted by both unions, will be debated and voted on in Congress.

Popular Legislative Initiative is a text articles of law with which unions seek to correct the most damaging aspects of labor reform and demonstrate that trade unions have alternatives to cutting rights and labor relations model adopted by the Congress of Deputies at the request of the Government.

shortly proceed to the collecting signatures in all employment offices and headquarters of the SCE.

O'charley's Cherry Lime Margarita Recipe

POPULAR CCOO de Canarias presents the campaign "Stand up, listen to yourself and háblate"

The campaign shows that domestic violence is something they have in common all women either English or foreign, but the situation of foreign women is more complicated than in the rest since in the very violence from their partners have to add some aspects that are unique to their migration process. And which are the cause not reach immigrant women to report violence.

In recent years there has been a significant increase in respect to homicide gender-based violence against women abroad and he has doubled in 4 years. The main cause can be found in the uprooting and lack of social networks. In the context of domestic violence, social violence that largely caused by the lack of complaints by the battered, the batterer limited social contacts and family members of his family, isolation from their environment and thereby limiting important social support in these cases. In the case of immigrant women, usually those social networks do not exist, being the only couples who have roots in Spain, it causes fear of losing the known rise further, and the feeling of lack of means out of the violence.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pain In Lower Left Abdomin When Laughing

Wide repudiation of the blockade that prevented the exit of Clarín

  • Clarín circulated with the white cover on Monday.

  • The opposition calls to submit to the Minister of Security to trial

  • Criticism Cristina Fernández silent about an issue as serious

Argentines have long expressed a rejection not so profound as that caused the lock to the printing plant of Clarín. The major newspaper in the country did not go on sale Sunday for the 'sting' who organized a group of protesters at the gates of Canyon district workshops, where the newspaper is distributed to retail outlets.

The newspaper La Nacion, which is also critical to the management of government, was the subject of a similar but delayed his departure only. In contrast, the total blockade Clarin, was the worst attack I have experienced this daily in its 65 year history and the worst attack on press freedom in general, since Argentina returned to democracy in 1983.

opposition block impeachment would ask the Security minister, Nilda Garre, by ignoring the order who once ruled the judge Polo Gastón Olivera, against "any conduct involving impede or obstruct the normal income of persons and property "of the newspaper printing presses. The injunction forced Garre to send the police to disband the squad, but the police presence was minimal and at no time tried to stop the blockade.

Opposition From all came a rejection of the blockade of the day and a tough challenge to President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner for failing to rule on those facts. "It is inconceivable that the government and heads who are passive and absent against so flagrant an act against freedom of expression," said Gabriela Michetti, Member of the PRO.

"The government instigates and supports that prevent the circulation of newspapers," said deputy Civic Coalition, Adrián Pérez. Even the socialist Pino Solanas, a tough editorial line objector Clarin and La Nacion, came out in defense of the right Argentines to choose the newspaper they think.

"The escraches against against any newspaper or media are an example of intolerance and authoritarianism that runs counter to freedom," said Solanas. Within the ruling party, the only figure which added weight to the conviction was the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli.

In response to Radio 10, Scioli, who had previously deferred Cristina Fernandez on the issue of insecurity or the demonization of the opposition box, he said that freedom of speech and the press "are cornerstones of our democracy "and that the blockade of the day "is a sign of intolerance that undermines" democratic coexistence. Most who expressed themselves thus linked the attack to the newspapers with Hugo Moyano, leader of the General Labour Confederation (CGT) who on several previous occasions, he sent people to the union of truck drivers to prevent the departure of Clarín and other journals and magazines in the same business group.

In the Sunday edition, which was unable to leave the newspaper in question published an extensive report on the intricacies of union with justice and money laundering suspicion falling on him. Moyano denied any relationship with blocking, but his name went into the mouths of several of the protesters, who shouted, "If there quilombo Moyano touch."

The version that runs the government, at least unofficially, is that the protest late Saturday and early Sunday was legitimate, it is part of the conflict they have employees Riopaltenses Graphic Arts (AGR) against the Clarín. But today it emerged that no such conflict exists and that something more than a hundred protesters who gathered there.

Extracted from El Mundo (Ramy Wurgaft)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ice Breaker Games For Lia Sophia Party

Why send Booty?

De Emilio Botin knew their skills to achieve great material wealth. Bank has made a small town named English circuit at full speed circuits around the world or hang a flag on some of the most isolated places on the planet.

Now, if mapped images Moncloa meeting between Zapatero and the G-45, we see how one man is capable of grabbing covers in a meeting of leading businessmen in the country with the Prime Minister.

Consider, then, your visual communication skills. One area in which we must recognize its merits, or your team, get a prominent position it in the most diverse.

His figure does not highlight in an ordinary case. Booty But that's not a problem: can be placed in front of the camera who's boss by showing that he is.

Consider some of the pictures that show who is this man in the picture and why not reached the status of a chance.

out how to monopolize the graphic information of a meeting of nearly fifty businessmen and bankers with the highest offices of government?

Photo: Alberto Di Lolli

Emilio Botin out of the car in a photograph with several messages: straps and tie with corparativo color, dynamic walking with safe passage and put on American and who leaves home to go to the office.

Aunque a la reunión acudían otras figuras con un poder similar, ninguno de ellos ha logrado acaparar tanto espacio gráfico en las páginas de los medios, gracias a esta fotografía.

El banquero ya demostró su destreza ante las cámaras cuando acudió a declarar a la Audiencia Nacional en 2007, por el Caso de las cesiones de crédito.

Foto: Diego Sinova

La mayor parte de quienes llegan a los tribunales park their car and driver at the door, show the tension in his face and surrounded by bodyguards who make big fuss. Instead, Booty gets walked, alone and smiling. Presumably the security that surrounds him, but not seen.

The image conveys the serenity of someone who is saying I have nothing to fear and nothing to hide. Image battle won.

Here's another episode. As shown in a photo who rules the country. Does the Prime Minister? This picture is not.

Photo: Bernardo Rodríguez / Pool / Efe

Botin, sitting in front of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero during his visit to the Ciudad Financiera Santander in Boadilla del Monte ( Madrid).

Faced with a president bent over, like getting a lesson, his body tensed, smiling artificially Booty appears relaxed, legs crossed and gesturing.

The banker has put his jacket in another chair, while Leon has left on his own as if in a wedding dessert the second division.

Both appear as a teacher giving a lesson to a boy arrived from the provinces. In view of the image, it is clear which one has more power, at least in terms of image.

Excerpted from The World (The Blog of Angel Casaña)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Facebook Fan Pages steal visitors to the traditional sites

The user spends more time on Facebook and time investing in this platform is also wasting time on other sites. This was concluded at least one recent study Webtrends.

To make the report, Webtrends analyze web traffic of 44 pages of U.S. companies included in the Top 100 of the Fortune magazine. And the conclusion is unmistakable. 40% of websites tested shows a significant decrease in the number of unique users. However, the Facebook fan pages of those same companies with a clear upward trend in the number of users.

The study also reveals that business is not specialized in electronic commerce where more is felt the current boom of social networks. An example is Coca-Cola, whose corporate website posted just 6,000 unique visitors, while his Facebook fan page has a traffic of 11.3 million users.

In companies that already have e-commerce systems consolidated, is felt much less the thrust of Facebook, among other things, technical barriers to electronic commerce continues to show on this channel. Retrieved

Direct Marketing

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Elected officials, not elected and "trust" account for an annual expenditure of 500 million pesetas

Eugenio Fernández - Canary-weekly 9.3.2011

H ace few dates made available to our readers information about the astronomical salaries, at the height of cuts and counter- social pocket the senior officials of the Cabildo de Tenerife. Managers and directors of various agencies and public enterprises that are distributed about 5 million euros per year. 831 million pesetas! Obviously, neither the president of the island's first institution Ricardo Melchior, nor his advisers could be excluded from this feast rganizers wasteful with public money.

Melchior, bearing installed on the council since 1999, costs each year to the citizens of this island to the tune of 102,217 euros . EUR 88,920 EUR 13,297.28 salary for Social Security. Ie ATI politician comes out of public funds for a 17 million pesetas. Theirs, however, is only one of the tremendous salaries paid with taxpayers' money to these members of the political caste in the archipelago.

The Minister of Agriculture of the Cabildo 63,921 charges, 30 and EUR 13,297.28 for Social Security. A total of 77,218.58 euros . Nearly 13 million pesetas. The presidential adviser and vice quarter, meanwhile, pocketed a gross salary of 77,321.66, to which we must add another 5,000 euros for social security. Overall, 83,682.94 euros. Some other 14 million pesetas.

People's Party The Minister responsible for roads, which - according to informed sources the institution itself Tenerife - let it be a general manager who does his job, grosses a year other 63921.30. Together with the EUR 13,297.28 was allocated to pay for Social Security this makes a total of 77,218.58 . 12.848.000 ESP year.

Nor is it likely that the Environmental Council Wladimir Rodríguez Brito have difficulty reaching the end of the month with revenues of EUR 63,921.30 . Adding to this figure of 10,000 for Social Security, the former environmental official turned into justifying the outrages committed on the island by Canary Coalition, a cost of EUR 72,774.72 annual . More 12 million pesetas.


the public face comes out, however, the Minister of Social Affairs, Cristina Valido , which is carried each year 77,321.66 euros (almost 13 million ESP) and the one to pay others Social Security 13,297.28 euros. A total of 15 million pesetas.

The list goes on. The third vice president costs the citizens 90,618.94 euros. The Minister of Economy, Carlos Alonso , 92488.08. The Sports Coordinator, 77,218.58. Coordinators Water planning and cost 77,218.58 euros both wages and Social Security. The Youth, 70,408.02. The Museums, 84,695.

The total cost of the 20 senior members of the corporation elected per year is insular 1.467.001.05 euros, in ESP are 242,424,577 million. If this figure are added the 313 million that cost the non-elected officials and 35 of confidence is reached scandalous sum of 500 million pesetas. In the four years in office, then, elected officials, and men and women in their trust account for disbursement of 2000 million pesetas!

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five million euros for positions of trust Ricardo Melchior ( 28/02/2011)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kyphosis Pregnant Women


Public Area Canary CCOO not welcomed the breakdown of negotiations in the field of the Bureau General Trading Public Employees (MGNEP), the technical committee on 23 February last, and requires the Government responsibility before the current crisis, to ask what reopen negotiations about the sustainability of public services and employment stability in this sector.

(March 7, 2011)

Last Wednesday, February 23, there has been cessation of negotiations since 14 January, had maintained with Autonomic Administration on the agreement signed on December 23, 2010, for the sustainability of public services and public employment stability.

drafted The information contained herein, is complemented issued on January 24, where we gave full information on developments to date in meetings with Public Administration Canary Islands Government.

CCOO Since we have tried, making a huge effort to achieve positive ones meetings with Administration, which walk the line to discuss the situation Public Administration Canaria so that by streamlining resources attaining the maintenance of employment in the public sector while ensuring the provision of public services to citizens.

On the Government recognizes, in the January 31 meeting, which can be seen three trading blocs:

1 .- Redistribution of staff, rationalization of templates, but no proposals are made this subject by the Administration .

2 .- SICH (Time Control Information System). It is reported that on this subject have drafted a conflict because the application of the criteria for use of this software is causing them.

3 .- Evaluation of the performance. It seeks a new phase of implementation of this system the Ministry of the Presidency but was already launched a pilot plan the Ministry of Tourism. No proposals raised no criteria for addressing this issue.

It was also intended by the Administration linking an agreement in the above areas with an industrial relations agreement waivers referred to the work of union representatives. CCOO. understands and argues that although both issues are within the scope of collective bargaining under the MGNEP must be addressed as a matter quite distinct and differentiated.

On the issue of labor waivers for the exercise of the function of association, as we warned in the report of January 24, other public statements are contradictory by members present at polling techniques (other unions), which on one hand expressed in print in January: "that the remaining" referring to those released union, for in February to oppose the suspension of the union released. All seasoned with positions that they will not negotiate anything with self-government but the next breath declare: "We will propose measures for regional cost savings," or, "we know we have to sit down and talk." At the end all be summarized in pure folklore to the gallery and if not to justify the meetings, if not the assault in the hallway Directorate General of Education Staff to see how to get credit waiver employment for teachers.

insist then that the rationalization of public administration is an issue we must confront with seriousness and responsibility of all parties, so it is not that the Administration try to hide from the public unnecessary overspending as originating political advisors in government, that the regional budget amounts to more than 60 million euros for 2011, or as the Cabildo of Tenerife has spent 5 million euros Trust staff and managers, managers Spending on public companies, 2.2 million; How 606,000 euros have been stoned in productivity pay the Ministry of Health, without any control in a "digital" (using the index finger of his right hand) of the politician in office, or over 500,000 euros spent on commercial contracts in Canarian Employment Service, using the subterfuge of smaller contracts, or contract the workaround hemodialysis in hospitals, etc., knocking all his weight on the public employment services provided to citizens and the waivers to use union labor.

We are sure this is the vision of CCOO, which need an adaptation of Public Administration Canaria to new realities, it is necessary to modernize them, but not at the expense of its staff. We are against clientelist vision Administration as a whole.

should banish once and for all the image of the manger that is part of the citizenship of all employees and public employees Administration Public. We defend the professional of everyone, job security attached to it, and providing quality public services, so demand the reopening of dialogue and negotiation process to address all these issues in the fields that apply.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Blood A Hospital Uses In A Year


In the link below you can access the concentration of the local police Agüimes front of City Hall, held on 11 February, improvements for professional, social, etc. At the ceremony were other public employees of the City Council, as other municipalities and fire on Gran Canaria:

And this one, shows the concentration made the February 21 at the Crossing Arinaga:

When I Sneeze My Ovaries Hurt

Facebook and Google may dominate a duopoly in the online advertising market

is more than obvious that Facebook has made it into the category of the largest in the advertising market online, and advertising revenue in the United States and surpass those of Microsoft or AOL, especially thanks to its display advertising. But by far the largest network in the world continue its efforts, Google and Yahoo continue to be the leading Internet.

Google advertising revenue in the United States will increase by 23.5% this year, reaching 12,400 million dollars. Below, lies Yahoo, with revenue of about $ 3,400 million, although in this case, Yahoo will experience a decline of 2.1% yoy. On the other hand, Facebook is the fastest growing companies, with revenue rising 80.9% in 2011, having grown 164.1% in 2009 and 117.8% in 2010, according to eMarketer estimates.

Increased revenue from Facebook, Google and Microsoft goes well beyond, the fall of Yahoo and AOL, leaving a growing overall, 20.5%, which amounts to 20,300 million dollars. This figure is almost double the growth in online advertising throughout the market. According

said David Hallerman, senior analyst at eMarketer, so remarkable growth in the leading online "represents the consolidation of the online market." "Consolidation is especially notable in search advertising, but it is also visible in the increasingly diverse market for display advertising. "

Google's strong growth in both display advertising as in search, its core revenues, increases the share of the online giant, which rose from 38.9% in 2010 to 43.5% in 2011. Moreover, according to eMarketer, in 2012 this percentage could be set in 47.6%. Facebook, triple its share in 2009, reaching 7.7% in 2011 and 8.8% in 2012. Microsoft will also experience an increase in its share in this market, though considerably slower.

other hand, Yahoo and AOL will have to see how their share of the online advertising market is shrinking, but slowly. According Hallerman, "is not difficult to imagine how the online advertising market becomes a duopoly with Google and Facebook as the two top choices for spending on advertising." Extracted

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mattress For Hot Sleepers

includes a cover of 1974 the same owners that the weekend press

Information seems cyclical. The news that readers face in early March of 2011 does not have much new, at least in view of the front page of 'Ya' dated April 7, 1974.
According TVE has announced in its news, both national and international news from that period show suitable for the present. One of the main front-page headlines of the front page of more than 30 years is' confusing news about a possible relief of Colonel Gaddafi. "

That is, the Libyan leader and clung to power with speculation about his succession, which never came. In 2011, this situation has led to the end.

Coincidentally, another of the owners of April 74 is' enter into force the speed limits for cars. " Currently, we have established the top of 110 kilometers per hour, with subsequent fines infrigir those margins.

Even in the sports section no coincidences. The clash highlighted by 'It' was the Real Madrid-Joventut, a match that was played just this weekend, with victory in the first.

An underlying theme that exists on the covers of this weekend and it's April 7, 1974 is the economy. Then, 'Ya' stressed 'Problems of the English economy. " A headline that fits seamlessly into the daily newspaper in 2011.

As for other social concerns, as was the energy. 'Use localized light' was one of the claims to avoid energy waste in 1974. Also, temperature and rainfall were in the process changes in these dates, such as plasma and the headline "Time variable for these seven days."

Extracted from World

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does A Bikini Wax Consist Of

The Government reveals 'no way' that the club was too

Representatives of the three major players and managers Real

Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade Miguel Sebastian, has recognized that Futbol Club Barcelona did not accept the proposal to use his image to sell Spain as a tourist destination abroad. However, it was agreed with Real Madrid.

"There was no way to reach an agreement with the policy of the time, but we remain open to it, "Sebastian materialized in the press conference after the Council of Ministers." In that case, the slogan we use is' Visit Spain. Visit Barcelona. " We would be happy to do the same with Barca, "he added. It's something we will do with more equipment, the minister said.

" From 53 million tourists, we know that there are two very interested in sports and six quite interested. Athletes have a great value for communicating the brand 'Spain' abroad. Real Madrid brand is known the world over, so we approached the club to sign an agreement to transfer rights to their image and their players, "explained responsible for tourism, who insisted that the mark 'Barça' was taken into account from the beginning to propose an identical agreement it was not possible.

Sebastian insisted that the current government is "the first to support the football team, basketball, MotoGP and individual athletes, with such campaigns.

The agreement with Real Madrid
The agreement signed with the white club, for a period of three years, will use the main players in the club as "brand ambassadors Spain and Madrid" in various advertising campaigns international.

The agreement also provides for the exploitation advertising space in each of the official matches of the League and Cup of HM the King to be held in Santiago Bernabeu Stadium organized by the Real Madrid CF

The club Real Madrid has thus become one of the main ambassadors of the brand "Spain" and "Madrid." It is estimated that this agreement will reach an estimated audience of over 300 million people, which translates into a unique opportunity to promote tourism of both brands, which use their slogan "Visit Spain, Madrid Visit."

Extracted from World

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Houston And Halal Food

image of Spain Attractions

Indiana University shows that men do not process the news as if the presenter is very sexy

's no secret that television presenters use the hook increasingly attractive to draw attention to male audiences. But both chocolate seems to have a certain effect of media embarrassment, since according to a study by the University of Indiana more enthralled viewers are those who have more difficulties to remember what they are reporting.

The research, led by Professors Rabe and Lelia Elizabeth Samson, has exposed nearly 400 volunteers at a short news presented by 24 year old. The same news program in two versions. In one, the anchorwoman appears with a current image. And again, with a look more attractive, including clothing and some cleavage. According to the expected results published in "Communication Research", the male audience pays more attention to this attractive, but that attention does not go exactly to the news story. Demonstrated in the subsequent difficulties of the participants at the time of recall and detail the contents noted.

In contrast, female volunteers have proved largely immune to these differences in appearance, as they have been recalled by the news as read by the presenter in its two incarnations. For the authors of the study, the results demonstrate that male audiences are inclined to process visual information more easily, rather than verbal. Another disturbing angle to this study is that men notice the most beautiful hostesses, but do not give much credibility on issues such as war or political pulse.

According to Professor Rabe, the data serve as ammunition to the controversy over gender and age discrimination in broadcast journalism, especially given the growing number of hostesses fired by passing 40. In his view, "if a channel is only interested in getting audience, young, attractive presenters work, if your goal is to inform, is counterproductive. " Extracted

ABC (Peter Smith)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beautiful Agony Tv Host



Canary lament breakdown of negotiations between trade unions present at the general board of public employees and the government of the Canary Islands to the sustainability of public services and stability in public employment in the Canary Islands and call to make a last effort in the recovery of social dialogue, before there is a widespread conflict in the area of \u200b\u200bpublic service in the Canary Islands.

Last week it was consummated the closing of the negotiation process on the sustainability of public services and employment stability in open public in the field of public employees general board of the Canary Islands on 23 December 2010.

Consequently, the government of the Canary Islands will proceed to implement all provisions of the Finance Act 2011 in regard to labor rights and trade union measures, consistent with the discussion in our request for "conflict of competence" to the central government, will be appealed by both unions.

Unfortunately, we arrived at the worst possible scenario for addressing the main objective of implementing the necessary reforms of the government of the Canary Islands, whose deficiencies are evident and that the current crisis has worsened, reaching a point where sustainability is questioned global.

believe that the end result of these necessary reforms should not be a reduction in public services, which are essential, along with employment, to ensure equitable distribution of wealth and equality between all citizens and citizens, serving also for boosting economic activity needed to overcome the crisis. CCOO and UGT

Canary considered necessary to address this reform in a climate of understanding and that an alternative scenario of confrontation may contribute to an irreversible deterioration of the public that only serve to reinforce the thesis advocated weakening and the subsequent contingency actions from the private sector even come to replace government benefits.

Therefore, we advocate the urgent recovery of social dialogue that would put the basis for a global agreement between administrations, institutions, parties, unions and employers, held after the regional and municipal elections. In this regard, we propose a deal in the first instance between the government of the Canary Islands and most representative trade unions as a first step in that process back to reform government of the Canary Islands and the pattern of relationships between them.

This is the main object of action that we take the two organizations, following the breakdown of last week and in that context we must frame our response to the loss of public employees who serve as permanent union in different federations operating in the field of function public. This loss, though it weakens us, it will not prevent the two unions continue betting the defense of public services from the agreement or from the confrontation.

believe that the government of the Canary Islands is committing a serious error, if you expect that this new stage of confrontation secure potential 'electoral gains "focusing the debate on the number of released from the trade unions or public employee performance. At present, any attempt to promote the prestige of the trade unions or public employee is easily extended to political activity itself may generate a challenge to democratic institutions we do not want and can only be prevented from finding consensus solutions to serious problems we must address in the Canary Islands as a result of the crisis.

hope that ultimately good sense and imposes a new effort be made "in extremis" to give a new chance to "dialogue" and "consensus."