Trade October 11, 2009

The October 12, 1892 and 1992, IV and V commemorated the anniversary of the discovery of America. Trade attended the celebrations
Miguel Angel Cardenas For M. was the first time that commemorating the centenary of the discovery of America. It was 1892, a quarter century of this vital and enormous success in the history of mankind, and Spain was the cradle of the celebrations moved that focused on the achievements and figure of Christopher Columbus and Hispanics most symbolic places of his exploits: the convent of La Rabida and the Port of Palos.
Wednesday October 12, 1892, El Comercio comprehensive coverage offered him more than seven full pages (note the crucial roll in an era that looked large items and without photos). They reported how the Senate, chaired by Manuel Candamo, and the government of General Morales Bermúdez Remigio said that commemorating a national holiday. And during October, the Journal covered the literary and musical evenings, and on which premiered the musical poem "America", "compound (and executed) by Dr. Jose B. Ugarte." The same October 12 rendered the poems were published in José Arnaldo Márquez: "Today, to honor your memory / whose splendor lights / the most beautiful of history / the world tilts his face / in honor of your glory." And the information was very varied, with historical tone that led to edit a paragraph of the "History of the Indians" by Fray Bartolome de las Casas.
The best description of what was the turn of the century celebration in the book "1892: The Fourth Anniversary of the Discovery of America in Spain", in which the historian Salvador Bernabeu tells how it all began in Huelva on August 2, how Ateneo de Madrid was the venue for vibrant conference and appreciated the presence of Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darius and the Peruvian writer Ricardo Palma, "which helped to promote cultural relations."
were years of the reign of Queen Maria Cristina of Habsburg-Lorraine in Spain and just as a correspondent for El Comercio was our great tradition, who was the official representative of Peru in the IV Centenary. His articles were first published in late November. At first, Palma described the holidays with their particular nineteenth-century style: "A grand ball at the Hotel Colón ... All the ladies wore mantilla and a flower in her hair, and was prevented in the invitation cards. I want to state that the three South American girls, a Bogotá, a Uruguayan and Lima, carried the blanket with the same grace as the Andalusian. But then, when a large gathering of language academies took place there, Latin Americans, with Palma on the front, fought successfully for inclusion of Americanisms in the Dictionary of the English Royal Academy. The record of their discussions on behalf of the Peruvians was posted here.
In 1992, the controversy was overwhelming. With the vision of the late XX, the process was seen more gray areas than ever at that time produced the Persian Gulf War, the fall of communist regimes in Europe the East and the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him by Guatemalan Rigoberta Menchu, the defender of indigenous communities.
meeting was the happy medium term (the gradient reconciling against shock, conquest and discovery) for two positions 'found' and in many cases and demagogic extremists (Hispanic and indigenous resurrected). Maybe a song that is the best sums up the thinking of those who were very critical, especially from the left. The Argentine sing poguean Fabulosos Cadillac and still young, "There is nothing to celebrate Latin hearted, murderous bastard son of colonies, five centuries are not for killing the party celebrating indigenous ".
to John Paul II said at the time:" That awareness of pain and injustice inflicted on so many brothers is, in this fifth anniversary, occasion to ask humbly for forgiveness for the offenses. "On pages appeared in this newspaper's opinion philosopher Fernando Savater, citing Walter Benjamin to clarify the contradiction of the story beyond the Manichaeism of some conservatives and omissions of others: "Every document of civilization is also a document of barbarism." Mario Vargas Llosa wrote about the Western contribution to "the concept of individual sovereignty and the ability to live in freedom". And Trade sought to emphasize that Latin Americans are the product of miscegenation, beyond pink and black legends, noting how the Europeans have benefited from new food products like corn, tomatoes, cocoa, potato and pharmacopeia are enriched with quinine and curare, to whom they owe millions of lives.
Dr. Aurelio Miro Quesada, at that time director of El Comercio, was president of the Peruvian National Commission of the V Centenary of the Discovery of America: Encounter of Two Worlds and his position appeared in one of the books he edited the full committee "Peru: the presence and identity", "All the times in our history have been accumulating experiences, life stress, we have opened the world to experience, to the feelings, the mental structure, thinking, emotions and even the myths of Peruvians. All these steps are good or bad are our own and we can not scar them because it would take away a part of ourselves. "
In Spain - the same year organized the Olympic Games - opened the World Expo in Seville, which was open 175 days and attracted 42 million visitors. The eminent journalist Manuel Jesus Orbegozo was a special correspondent and wrote in The Sunday Nov. 22 that the Expo '92 "was the greatest exposure in form and substance of few have been made in this century ... Only 100 years later, they will be back to meet almost all the countries that were lodged on an island in the Guadalquivir River, to show its most dissimilar stands huge and heterogeneous images. Orbegozo was one of the greatest pleasure that reported on three rooms on the first floor of Plaza of the Americas held the flag Peru: with craft Incan, Incan, and especially the Lord of Sipan replica of that received 12 000 visitors per day. Orbegozo chronicled from beginning to end: " At dawn, all lying as if dead, as if hours before a gale had swept all joy, gaiety, movement ... The cable car cars stopped midway, booths closed and only the sweepers began a gargantuan task that neither Hercules when cleaned the Augean stables of the king, the sweepers should collect several tons of waste materials left by past visitors to the EXPO 92 singular . Sevilla fell into deep depression. "What depression and bring excitement back the next centennial? In 2092 our grandchildren will read in El Comercio, and on its website, for sure.
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