Reality / Reflection
The Colombian government has the Constitutional obligation to protect public health, as well as commitment to the WHO. comply with the adoption of the "Framework Convention on World Health Organization, WHO. control of Snuff. "
The success of the struggle in each country, against smoking depend on the political commitment of their governments in the implementation of the Convention applied to the WHO.
Colombia, is doing homework, but, however, is one of the most backward countries in the anti smoking, despite having adopted the Framework Convention of the World Health Organization, WHO. control of snuff, done at Geneva on May 21, 2003, had issued the Law 1009 of 2006 approving the Convention, and to regulate this Act with Resolution 01956 of May 30, 2008.
striking is the fact that to be effective and valid WHO Convention. and Act 1009 of 2006 was expected to Case C-665 of 29 August 2007 the Convention declared enforceable, they sought to declare unconstitutional alleging defects in processed and unconstitutional, and Act 1109 of 2006 that adopted at Internally, the delay was the December 27, 2006 date approving the agreement to April 10, 2008 date on which the Colombian government does, at last, legally part of that agreement.
On May 8, 2007 have a right to petition the President of the Republic by making the following requests in order to prevent and control smoking in Colombia
establish a rule of law, within a period not exceeding six months, and it meet, governing:
1. The requirement that tobacco companies sell their cigarettes in the country to inform the government and the community at large about the complete and exact composition of chemicals contained in cigarettes, their smoke and its toxic effects on health.
2. A comprehensive evaluation system, by the Ministry of Health, about the risks and health damage from these substances, compounds and snuff products.
3. The establishment of a database on these chemicals, compounds and snuff products, public and accessible to citizens.
4. The obligation to inform tobacco companies in each pack of snuff and complete the exact composition of substances and chemical compounds in cigarettes, as well as the risks and harms associated, so simple and graphics to impact on any group population, although their educational level is low, ranking, graph, no less than 30% of the area of \u200b\u200bpackaging.
5. The obligation of the State of permanent campaigns to prevent smoking and its health consequences, including information on school programs snuff damage health.
6. Establish a percentage of the tax item that tobacco companies pay the state and is intended for health of the citizens, for specific activities to promote non-smoking and smoking prevention.
On September 17, 2007 the answer was the information forwarded the petition to the Deputy Minister of Health, Ministry of Social Protection as ordered by Section 33 of the Code Administrative.
On October 25, 2007 the Directorate General of Public Health replied that the resolution to regulate the Act (01 956 2008) will include the subject requests and proposals submitted will be handled.
Resolution 01956 of 2008 for the various actions and strategies proposed by the Convention, provides basically: a ban on smoking in public places, and activities of promotion and prevention must develop the Social Security System and the General Health Professional Risk and surprise to see that does not take into account the requests made in spite of inclusion in the WHO Convention.
Decisions of Res. 01956 of 2008 are very important in the fight against snuff, no doubt, but not enough to avoid the impact of smoking on human health.
If approved the Convention believe that actions should be less timid, more aggressive and timely, they must compromise, but to those who create the risk and need greater political will and decision of the State who is the one that has the responsibility comply with the WHO Convention. and with the Constitutional mandate to ensure Public Health.
are hundreds of diseases, sick, proven disability and death caused by the effects of smoking, with very high economic and social costs that even the Country could be avoided, and depend on the political decision of the state and its leaders.
I do not see why?, The Colombian government expects to take all necessary decisions and actions proposed in the WHO Convention., If accepted, Law 01109 2006:
Constitutional responsibility to protect public health.
The tobacco epidemic is a global problem with serious consequences for public health.
The increase in consumption and production of cigarettes and other snuff products in the world, particularly in developing countries.
Science has unequivocally demonstrated that the consumption of snuff and snuff smoke exposure are causes mortality, morbidity and disability, and that the snuff-related illnesses do not appear immediately after you start smoking or smoke exposure to snuff, or otherwise consume snuff products.
cigarettes and some other products containing snuff are very sophisticated designed to create and maintain dependence, and that many of the compounds they contain and the smoke they produce are pharmacologically active, toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic, and that snuff dependence as a disorder other than in major international classifications of diseases.
Prenatal exposure to tobacco snuff generated adverse conditions health and child development.
The significant increase in smoking and snuff consumers in other forms among children and adolescents in the world, and particularly the fact that they start smoking at increasingly early ages.
The impact of all forms of advertising, promotion and sponsorship aimed at encouraging the use of snuff products.
and believes in Resolution 01956 of May 30, 2008 that:
Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 toxic chemicals of which 60 are human carcinogens including cadmium, benzene, ammonia, benzopyrene, hydrogen cyanide , traces of lead and arsenic.
According to WHO, worldwide, snuff consumption is the cause of 30% of total cardiovascular disease, 80% of all chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 90% of lung cancer and 30% of all other types of cancer.
In Colombia, about 68 die each day from diseases related to the consumption of snuff and its derivatives.
That the United States Agency for environmental protection, EPA has classified secondhand smoke snuff in the environment as a carcinogen in group A (proven to cause cancer in humans) to typical ambient levels.
That in accordance with Article 2 of the Constitution, the authorities of the Republic are instituted to protect all persons residing in Colombia, in his life, honor, property, beliefs and other rights and freedoms and to ensure compliance with the social obligations of state and individuals.
When it comes to saving lives, there is a responsibility to do everything necessary and possible, and in a timely manner.
Recall that in Colombia each passing day 68 people die from causes related to tobacco smoking, how many more will keep dying? and How many illnesses and deaths could be prevented by applying all the strategies and tools of the WHO Framework Convention for the Control of the snuff?
What can be more important or worth more than the life of human beings? NOW THAT IS
BEING A COUNTRY BACK IN THE MOST tobacco control, we wanted to reverse the FEW ACHIEVEMENTS, thankfully did not happen.
Rojas Carlos Grisales MD. MSO. Overseer
Delegate for SGRP. Citizens for VeedurĂa
SGSSI. Prosesa (pro-Social Security)
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