Monday, May 9, 2011

Free Games When You Can Get Pregnant


The Social Protection System in the health insurance (Health System) were cases of corruption so abhorrent that MUST TURN THE ALARM to investigate, monitor and control other systems, the Professional Risk and Pensions.

Social Protection System is an integrated system, what happens in one of its parts, its subsystems is related to the whole, this is reason enough to watch and have a specialized social control all the systems that make up the System General Comprehensive Social Protection.

No excuses, no justification for blocking or preventing the specialized monitoring and citizen control at any level of management public, by any public official, citizen oversight committees are supported by the Constitution and the law, and the need and right to participate in the care of the public (which is everyone).

The findings of corruption (shameful) found in the health system and is more than clear that all public services need and should have surveillance and social control that helps to supplement the inadequate institutional control, to in some way and measure to ensure Transparency, fairness and equity.

The State has a duty to strengthen surveillance of the public through the institutions created for that purpose and Watch (citizen oversight) as a key ally to avoid corruption.

Social Security is a public service and as such handles public money (all citizens), therefore, without discussion and without exception, should be subject to surveillance and social control made by citizens, not only to officials and public entities if no private companies providing public service, in the case of Social Protection System: EPS., ARP. and Pension Funds. SOCIAL CONTROL

a right and a responsibility to address corruption injustice and unfairness.


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