Extracted from Taringa
National Socialism in the Jewish community identifies the antithesis of the Aryan man, always struggling with it. From this derives theories about the existence of a Jewish conspiracy to gain world control. They warn that many of the major communist leaders are also Jews and assimilate both concepts, Bolshevism and Judaism, in the same thing. The National Socialists or Nazis in this group find the perfect target of his wrath for the German people download all the frustration over the dismal state of the economy.
The twenty-five points of the NSDAP unchanged since its creation as Labor Party German: expel the Jews, the establishment and defense of a positive Christianity, government in the public interest thereon, to impose order and ending with the Treaty of Versailles. Nonetheless, there are documents that support different theories of government posed to settle at the end of the war in Europe and impose a caste system based on the basis of population (peasant / worker-priest-warrior) under the direction of Schutzstaffeln, or SS.
Blind faith in a leader, Hitler, and a mortal enemy to throw all the blame, the Jews. Believers with unshakable faith in Hitler, oddly enough, will notice their animosities towards his party colleagues competing with each other to curry favor with the Führer as he holds power.
The group had long had forged a myth about the Aryan race. A myth about their origins, about its strength and vigor and, above all, on its superiority over other races. The National is a fascist ideology as it is characterized by giving great importance to the state, from which all activity must be organized national reason which created the National Labour Front, a kind of union for all workers Germans, whose director was the Fuehrer himself. In the case of a totalitarian government, other features are typically present a strong leadership of a supreme leader, in this case Hitler, and defend a visceral imperialism that should lead to conquer peoples deemed inferior. When asked what Nazism, many Germans at that time said, "The will of the Fuehrer.
Hitler, after the death of President Hindenburg, held in his hand all the power and imposed a government since focused exclusively around his figure, based on the principle of the leader or Führerprinzip. According to this political, the Führer (Leader) was identified with the people ("was" the people), and only he knew and represented the national interest.
This representation of the people was essential for the leader: it was in no process of consultation and delegation of power. The Führerprinzip, maintaining their ideologues, replaced irresponsible and impotent government (the parliament), on the other powerful and where the responsibility lay with a single figure. Thus the will of the Fuehrer was transformed into the law. The application of this principle resulted in totalitarian forms of control and repression, and that any opposition to the will of the Fuehrer was by definition, unpatriotic.
The regime was introduced exercised strong control over every aspect of society, showing particular interest in the education of German youth. From infancy children are taught to be tough and endure the struggle to be the strongest, slowly selecting a few chosen that will be forming a new elite of holy warriors (SS) as a new Sparta nascent victorious. Science does not escape the influence of party which uses it to justify their ideas or to find new weapons for the war that had been prepared.
Hitler's power was consolidated on the night of the long knives when ordering the murder of the main leaders of the SA, assault forces which had supported the Nazis in their rise to power, and the killing of its chief, Ernst Röhm in 1934.
Hitler immediately applied the repression of a broad spectrum of citizens: Jews (defined as enemies of the nation), Communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and all those who opposed Nazi to the strict definition of "nation."
repression took first the SS later, paramilitary forces created in 1925 and strengthened by the regime and the Gestapo, police Secret Nazi SS responded to, and which had a dense network of spies and informers.
terror exercised directly, through censorship, physical attacks, arrests and detention in labor camps. Antisemitism
For Hitler, the Communists were enemies of the German nation. But there was still a bigger enemy is merged with that and the other possibilities: the Jews. Based on a racist conception, since the early twenties Hitler was rebuilding a racial stereotype of the Jew, from the theories of Walter Darre, Alfred Rosenberg, Spengler (Siglo XX), Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Comte de Gobineau (Siglo XIX).
embodied Jews to Hitler, all the evils that afflicted the German nation (not Jewish) were the proletarians agitators, greedy financiers and big industrialists who squeezed the German people were the media that defamed the nation, and the weak and corrupt accomplices of the humiliating parliamentary peace treaties and the weakness of the nation. They were, in short, the racial enemy, which from the inside corrupting and polluting the nation, weakening it.
The Jew as the enemy badly needed all the totalitarian system for political mobilization and social and to distract public opinion of their own problems.

In 1935, the Nuremberg laws stripped Jews of German citizenship and all rights. They were forbidden contact with the Aryans and they were forced to carry identification. The law affected all those whom the State defined racially as Jews. Continued violence and harassment of the SS and police to the Jews, leading to massive emigration. was followed by a second phase of expropriation, characterized by "Aryanization" of goods, layoffs and excise duties.
In 1938 they forbade Jewish doctors lawyers and the free exercise of their professions and forced those who had non-Jewish names that prefaced the "Sara" or "Israel" for themselves, to identify fields of work and in the same ghettos). The result, apart.
In November, using as excuse the murder of a German diplomat in Paris by a young Jew, were attacked by members of the SS, in what was called the "Night of Broken Glass." The result was such that the state itself had to restore order that it had disturbed.
Jews were responsible for overall the attack and forced to repair the damage, to compensate the German state by the ravages and deliver the money received from insurance companies. Were excluded from economic life, they are denied access to universities, public transport use and frequent public places like theaters and gardens.
Finally, Jews were concentrated in ghettos (special districts which were overcrowded) or in fields. This would continue the enslavement and extermination during the war. Concentration camps, initially for the detention of "enemy state" (Communists, for example), became places of forced labor for medical experiments and the physical elimination of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the disabled.
The use of the word holocaust to refer to the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, is justified through its etymological reference to something burning, because after the genocidal tool use more characteristic of the solution Finally, the gas chambers, the bodies of those killed were burned in crematoria.
The persecution and murder of Jews took place not only in Germany or in different concentration camps created for that purpose, but extended to Russia, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, where the Germans and their collaborators ( Austrians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Romanians, Croats and others) carried out numerous massacres of Jews in mass graves, forests, canyons and trenches.
Along with the Jews, other ethnic groups as Gypsies, Soviets (particularly prisoners of war), communists, ethnic Poles, other Slavic peoples, the disabled, gays and political and religious dissidents were also subjected to persecution and murder under the Nazis. That
territorial solution depended on the one hand, a quick victory for Germany on the Soviet Union and, secondly, a change in the plans of Hitler, he still had in mind to use the German Jews as hostages and that no wanted them to be deported to the East. However, in September, the ideas began to change when, probably, Rosemberg convinced Hitler to use the deportation of Jews as a form of retaliation for the deportation of Volga Germans to Siberia by the Soviets
estimated victims of this extermination died more than 6 million Jews, apart from some 800,000 Roma, 4 million Soviet prisoners of war or victims of the occupation (they were also subject systematic extermination), Polish and asocial qualified individuals of various nationalities (political prisoners, homosexuals, physically or mentally handicapped, criminals, etc.). The formal approaches are:
-Polish Jews (15.56%) and non-Jews (13.78%)
-German Jews (13.33%) 
-Slav (26.66 %)
-Soviet prisoners of war (17.78%)
-Roma (3.56%) and German "Aryan" political opponents (usually people with ideas left and freethinkers) (6.67%)
-disabled (1.34%)
-gay (1.12%)
The physical elimination of the Jews was carried out in a systematic, thorough and effective as a well-crafted strategy that is sometimes described as "industrial" . This does not necessarily mean that the Holocaust had a clear plan from the beginning, precisely this is one of the issues that divide scholars, between intentionalist and functionalist:
Intentionalists considered that there was a carefully calculated plan in advance, intended from the start to kill all the Jews who were in the orbit of the Third Reich. The plan had been outlined by Hitler for many years before, and executed at different stages of officials and soldiers submissive to the leader once gained power. Some historians make mention of private comments made Hitler even before publication of Mein Kampf, which could suggest the mass killing of Jews. Publicly, the only statement about the Nazi party is in the party program, adopted in February 1920: there are claimed anti-Jewish laws, annul them citizenship and prevented them from voting or immigrate, and expel the Jews arrived after 1914 and pledged to punish with death as "usurers and speculators" and committing "crimes fundamental against the People. "
functionalists argue, however, that when the Nazi party came to power any of the leaders of the Third Reich had a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to act with respect to the Jews. In his view, the idea of \u200b\u200bmass settlement was developed on the fly. Historians who advocate this position usually have mass murder as a process of "cumulative radicalization" from individual initiatives of party officials, government and army and in which Hitler had little direct involvement, but merely draw the outline on the "danger" posed by the Jews, but without telling them what to do to address them. That would have led to different strategies, sometimes inconsistent with each other, before escalating into extermination.
Overall, the structure of the Holocaust was as follows: First
, created the concept of Jewish according to criteria quite different from those used previously. Part of the European population as the enemy was so marked as the Nazi ideology.
was undertaken physical separation of the Jews, with their concentration in ghettos or deported to other areas.
fourth step was to definitively resolve the Jewish problem: it was thought initially deported outside Europe and then opted for mass murder, essentially by two means: implementation by military units created for this purpose (in the occupied Soviet Union on all) or performance in extermination camps created for that purpose also (in the case of other European Jews). Genocide
The first is the Nazi ideology, which is strongly nationalistic, even cutting a centralized political mythic component added, which divides the world into four categories:
-the Aryan race superior to the rest of race and destined to dominate the world (and the Aryans who do not agree should be eliminated);
-the rest of the races, as inferior and destined to be dominated (and those of those races that should be resisted removed);
-The "unclean" (Gypsies, homosexuals, the sick, handicapped, insane, etc.), Which were destined to be exterminated;
-Jews, considered the antithesis of the Aryan race and embodiment of evil, for the mass extermination and systematic.
Speech Nazi ideology and structure are loaded with religious and mythological significance.
The second element is the systematization of the processes of mass killings, which began with the concentration of the Jewish population in ghettos and concentration camps later and culminated with the introduction of the so-called final solution to the problem Jew ', which consisted of systematic mass murder of the Jewish population.
The main element of this 'solution' were the extermination camps, which functioned as true death factories, whose raw material was the population to be exterminated.
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