Through the news appearing in newspapers, people can tell us things that happen to our alrededor.También newspapers can be used to investigate and to document and explore our reality.
In this unit we will check this and find out why reading helps us understand and think.
start flipping through newspapers and magazines role of class, team, to select those who are going to use in carrying out the activities and digital media. ACTIVITIES
1.Define what a story. Write your parts and explain briefly
different approaches of the same story in three different newspapers. (that it refers or not cover, page that appears, picture size, text ...)
3 . Enjoy this walk through the digital press to locate and distinguish the main sections of a newspaper by its contenidos.Haz a list of them.
5. Performs a chronic about something that happened at school. Do not forget to tell what happened, who was his hero, when and where it happened and why.
6.The the graphics, the pictures produce an impact, choose a newspaper you want and give it a headline.
7.Escribe an article providing information on the last party held at the school.
newspapers and magazines and digital paper:
For equipment, different from previous activities, but also elected chain going to make a bulletin board, as a collage on a large role in wall class, where they would be numbered from the front page with different sections: 1 . 2.nacional cover 3.internacional 4.local 5.economía 6.cultura 7.deportes and 8. schoolbag.
To Note: Read "The newspaper Landry" ANDREW CLEMENTS collection is read vivir.Editorial Everest.
To Note: Read "The newspaper Landry" ANDREW CLEMENTS collection is read vivir.Editorial Everest.
for will be taken into account:
Creativity, written composition, both on the structures of text and spelling, the cleanliness and presentation, ability to relate and contrast ideas, assistance to peers in group activities, the ability to select relevant ideas and relate them to their own knowledge ...