Thursday, January 19, 2006

Shortness Of Breath, Tight Chest, And Cough

Education, a silence that scares

Tribune reporters is half whose notes have great impact. The topics covered are answered. We receive emails of support, rejection, mails to extend the published data that refute, and so on. But there is a theme that resonates ever, there is an issue that seems not interest anyone or at least that no one is pending and that is the subject of education.
We've posted some notes about it and all had the same response: silence the other side. It's hard to know why but no longer a factor to consider. This does not mean that education is not interested, many of us are working for it, however, is a fact that did not want to miss.
Most alarming is the silence of a part of society, the most alarming is the silence we receive from the officials concerned. In more than one occasion we wanted contact with Education Minister Daniel Filmus, or any of its employees. Never responded to our calls.
We wanted to contact the former Director General of Culture and Education, Mario Oporto, but the campaign kept him very busy during 2005. The president of the National Academy of Education, Avelino Porto did not have much time to Tribune, but was only through his secretary return a call us to tell us he was too busy and could only access a brief telephone interview. The issue is serious. Takes minutes not talk about it.
is difficult to know where to start. There is much to discuss and who are in it know that it is. We can start by mentioning the new law enacted by which many have applauded: the Law on Education Financing. Almost since taking
, Filmus Minister criticized the Federal Law of Education. Maybe not remember that it was resisted by a group of teachers and the Minister Susana Decibe the unconditional support the head of the Education portfolio Aires, Graciela Gianetassio, they took on as the great change in education. But they were not alone in that moment Daniel Filmus was an adviser to the Minister and was one of the drivers. What happened over time? Filmus Is convinced that it was a brilliant idea, but a terrible education policy? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and think that after study and research (?) Concluded that it was best for the country and believed accurate support. However, now the Minister of Education feels "Julius Caesar" for having achieved the enactment of a new law
Here: Recently more than ten years that we have the Federal Law of Education. The looming failure is not far away, but was clearly in the immediacy. Enough to see some elements: in the same schools went to live with boys 6 to 15 years, the curriculum did not define the content a year, but per cycle, so no one knew where to start on where to end, made great changes: removed the obviated examination tables and Mathematics in the last year of high school (after a few years went back to these two geniuses, they realized that did not work) and we could go on listing changes that made the whites would not work. But the officials are far from the classrooms they cost a little more aware of things. The new law does not bring substantive changes. Needless
comments. Analyze point by point to the new law is a task that takes many lines and so I'll leave for another note. But before the ministry need someone to answer to two questions I have to ask: why the law is called "funding" and no more talk of "budget"? Why education is not assigned a fixed amount and depends on the GDP? Let us hope that everything will go well and that the GDP went well, what would then be the problem which is no longer assigned an estimated budget?
On the other hand, while talking of plurality, progress and others, the government of the province of Buenos Aires make a purchase of 3.5 million textbooks produced, according to the Governor in the letter to the editor "which was published in The Nation on January 12 this year, "with the best technical teams of national and provincial governments." The wording of this content is based on the days that were conducted throughout 2004 in various provincial schools. The issue is that we do not know what were the results or of the people and the "technical equipment", but let's ignore it and focus on the following: all publishers when making their textbooks are based on the same curriculum, but those who work with books we know that not all of the things the same way. Each editorial, by ideology, authors, business criteria, etc., Decide to highlight something, hide something else, tell from a particular theory or current, as it deems appropriate organizing, etc. (I'll write something about the painful and embarrassing task of writing a book to a publisher, but that's another matter) is not the same as a manual one. And that's fine. This gives us the opportunity to choose. But if the provincial government, supported by national, it takes away all freedom of choice, we're in real trouble and smells negotiated door. It is good that students have reference books in school libraries, but only read a negative way of counting things. Perhaps the governor Felipe Solá not respond with platitudes did readers in the letter above, perhaps a good reason why the tender was not so clear, why the purchase is not divided into at least three different publishers.
The issue is not limited. We still discuss the teaching situation, the entrance exams, the changes they want to do in the CBC, summer schools, school canteens and many other aspects related to education.
hope, even for this time, do not be the only answer song, nice by the way, small crickets. Catalina Sosa

Dog With Ringworm On Belly

The Federal Education Law crazy

basic pillars of any nation that prides itself as such are justice and education. And maybe, if you dig a little deeper, the second is enough for us as a people educated access to all the other aspects that make up a society as well.
The education system is responsible. Government apparatus ensures that, theoretically, education fit the historical context and socio-cultural. Officials who head the Ministry of Education does not seem to be the fittest, teachers do not seem to make ourselves heard and society as a whole seems not to realize the importance of education in any country.
A little over 10 years, launched the new federal education law, law governing the provinces, but not for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
The masterminds of this Act, were Dr. Eduardo Duhalde, then governor of the province of Buenos Aires and the former director general of Culture and Education, Graciela Giannettasio (current Minister of Education) joined them a group of people who for sure like the first two, a long time (if ever) that do not occur around the provincial schools. Reading it brings
not dispute, the point is to see how it comes, develops and what comes of some aspects of this new law

Talk In other words

Some words historically related to teaching school disappeared from the dictionary. Such is the case of evaluation, average, test, time chair, examination table, court, counseling, primary and secondary schools and appeared in place compensation, report, module, period of compensation, terms, EGB 1, 2 EGB, EGB 3 and polymodal.
changed the terms and changed the forms and while not all bad, the negative aspects hide the rest.

Teacher Training "?

All those who choose teaching as a profession we should think first about what level we wanted to teach. Those who chose the primary level were enrolled in the teaching profession and those who chose the secondary level we should decide what area we liked and followed a four-year teacher we specialize in every aspect of the subject chosen. Student teachers, once received, not only had access to primary but also secondary education, that is, if it had exhausted the possibilities of a high school teacher could take the class hours. Incidentally, high school teachers never agreed, as a logical, to exercise at the primary level.
The new Federal Education Act brought a revolutionary change in teacher training: the conversion. As indicated by the same word is again turning to teachers for their preparation was consistent with what the law demanded. That's how primary teachers and secondary school courses we are doing a year in the chosen subject. And after that ... we were all ready to teach at EGB 3, ie 7, 8 and 9 (former Grade 7, 1 and 2 years). It began badly. We respect all the preparations, but it sounds inconsistent that teachers and teachers doing the same training time a matter that the former have seen for a year amid many different specialties and the second study for four years and 32 subjects.
So we all, slip in hand, giving the same subjects for the same level.
What happened with architects, lawyers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, business administrators, technicians, graduates, experts, etc? Blended had to do a teacher training course for one year. And ready. Another piece of paper authorizing him to teaching. Evaluation
compensation evaluation system (today this is a term like dirty word in education) also changed its form. Now we have all the variants of compensation: compensation period, preventive, continuous. Students are no longer subject to unfair and frustrating easier exams and pass a subject that disapprove.
If the first or second quarter are left with low grade, students have what is called continuous compensation, that is going to develop practical work of those topics that are disapproved until the period of preventive compensation, or has the option not to go with that or those items through December, but may render them, sorry! compensate for previous periods. Prepared by the teacher and the thousand and one jobs for those that have not been waived, you must find the way the boy learn the issues involved testing all the resources (read educational) that are within reach. Meanwhile classes continue as normal. Continue to be developed under curricular issues, thus meeting the students following the program and still have not passed all subjects. But if the student had compensated (which is never a) not yet approved, is the teacher who should figure again in the December period so that students can pass. And we care review period and do not say. Because we have two weeks to re-explain the issues that were deprecated and give it another chance to compensate. Our students did not pass. What then? Continue to develop teaching strategies for February, because in that month again have two weeks of compensation where we explain the issues again and resumed their compensation.
At this point we are all saturated, the teachers no longer know how to present the topic and the students know that they will soon have a new opportunity.
Multiply this by, at least ten students per year, ten courses, five schools and five levels. Ubiquémonos in overcrowded classrooms where we have the number of students is 40, 45, 50. Not to mention the conditions found in establishments and supply problems that appear each stronger and marked in the classroom. At best, what should it approve when they managed to draw the O to the glass.
Who speaks?
is almost compelled to comment on the difficulty teachers' lounge for students to read fluently, understanding a slogan, to understand a text, write something coherent or show even a slightest interest in something. But we forget that adults still did everything in our power to prevent this from happening. I hope someday take pans for more than just an economic problem and what we do for the mess that is turning our education system. Catalina Sosa

(Published 4/10/2003)